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Enervex Fan Logo, Enervex fans, Exhausto, exodraft

World's Finest Mechanical Draft Systems

Enervex Chimney Fans
Model RS Chimney Fan Selection
Wood and Gas Fired Fireplaces and Stoves

QUICK SIZING....  STEP 1      Determine the type of opening, measure and calculate.....

one sided fireplace   two sided fireplace   corner fireplace   three sided fireplace   free standing fireplace   free-standing round fireplace
One-sided   Two-sided (See-through)   Corner   Three-sided   Free-standing   Free-standing Round
A x B   1.5 x A x B   A x B   ( A + B ) x C   1.5 x A x B   1.185 x A2

Determine the type of flue and measure the INSIDE measurement... use the chart below to convert square and rectangular to round.

CONVERSION OF Rectangular / Square to Round Flues

 Chimney Caps - Covers & Downdraft Solutions

Measure the INSIDE ( side to side ) measurements of the clay liner.
 Chimney Caps - Covers & Downdraft Solutions
Ex...  The INSIDE measurement of 6 x 10" on a clay liner is equivalent to

10 (dim. A) - 6 (dim. B) = 8 (8" Round)

NOTE:  Clay liners are "called" by their OUTSIDE measurements, the INSIDE measurements may vary depending on the manufacturer and location.
EX. A 13x13 clay liner may only have an INSIDE measurement of 10" x 10"

Use of the following fan selection tables requires that you understand how to calculate or determine the area of opening a fireplace opening and a flue system.

Note: The RED background indicates that the fan will most likely create some air-flow noise due to a high air velocity in the chimney.
The BLUE background indicates the fan base will not cover the chimney opening and a special adapter must be used.

  Fireplaces (wood-fired)
  Fireplace Opening in square inches
Flue Size Max. 400 Max. 600 Max. 900 Max. 1200 Max. 1500 Max. 2000 Max. 2500 Max. 3300
5 RS 12 RS 16 * * * * * *
6 RS 9 RS 12 RS 16 * * * * *
7 RS 9 RS 9 RS 14 RS 16 * * * *
 8 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 14 RS 16 * * *
9 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 14 RS 16 RS 16 * *
10 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 12 RS 14 RS 16 * *
12 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 12 RS 14 RS 14 RS 16 *
14 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 12 RS 12 RS 12 RS 14 RS 16
16 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 12 RS 12 RS 12 RS 14 RS 16
18 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 12 RS 12 RS 12 RS 14 RS 16
20 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 12 RS 12 RS 12 RS 14 RS 16
22 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 12 RS 12 RS 12 RS 14 RS 16
24 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 12 RS 12 RS 12 RS 14 RS 16

Check that there are no more than 2x90° elbows and no more than 30’ of height. If there are more than 2x90° elbows, use a bigger fan.

 Chimney Caps - Covers & Downdraft Solutions The "opening in square inches" refers to the fireplace or appliances over-all face opening.

Example :  In a small wood burning fireplace, if the hearth opening is 18" x 24" with an 8" round ( INSIDE MEASUREMENT ) clay liner in a brick and mortar chimney we would...

Multiply the length and width, in this case 18" x 24" = 432 square inches.  Being less than 600, on the wood burning chart above, follow the column to the 8" flue size.  Highlighted in orange, the chart shows an RS 9 to be the proper size chimney fan for this application.

Note: The RED background indicates that the fan will most likely create some air-flow noise due to a high air velocity in the chimney.
The BLUE background indicates the fan base will not cover the chimney opening and a special adapter must be used.

  Fireplaces (gas-fired)
  Fireplace Opening in square inches
Flue Size Max. 400 Max. 600 Max. 1000 Max. 2000 Max. 2500 Max. 3000 Max. 3500 Max. 5000
5 RS 9 RS 12 * * * * * *
6 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 * * * * *
7 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 14 RS 14 * * *
8 RS 9 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 16 * * *
9 RS 9 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 12 * * *
10 RS 9 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 14 RS 16 RS 16 *
12 RS 9 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 14 RS 14 RS 16 *
14 RS 9 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 14 RS 14 RS 14 *
16 RS 9 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 14 RS 14 RS 14 *
18 RS 9 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 14 RS 14 RS 14 RS 16
20 RS 9 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 14 RS 14 RS 14 RS 16
22 RS 9 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 14 RS 14 RS 14 RS 16
24 RS 9 RS 9 RS 9 RS 12 RS 14 RS 14 RS 14 RS 16

Check that there are no more than 2x90° elbows and no more than 30’ of height. If there are more than 2x90° elbows, use a bigger fan.

Gas fireplaces will need additional controls...

PDS (Proven Draft Switch) Safety control that senses a draft.  A pressure sensor that ties into the log set or appliance controls and would shut the gas off if the draft became negative.

ADC 100 A pre/post purge control that would extend the the fan cycle before and after gas is present for a fireplace or appliance.

MFD Mechanical Fireplace Damper. (GAS ONLY) Prevents excess heat from escaping through the chimney when the fireplace is not in use.


Wood stoves, coal stoves and fireplace inserts

  Stoves Fireplace Inserts
  Door Opening in square inches     A x B
Flue Size Max. 300 OVER  300
6 RS 9 RS 12
7 RS 9 RS 12
8 RS 9 RS 12
9 RS 9 RS 12
10 RS 9 RS 12
 Chimney Caps - Covers & Downdraft Solutions

Check that there are no more than 2x90° elbows and no more than 30’ of height.
If there is more than 2x90° elbows, use a bigger fan.

Fan Specifications

Enervex Fan Specs, RS Fan Specifications, Exhausto Fan Specs, exodraft fan specs

RS Chimney Fan sketch, enervex schematic, exhausto schematic, exhausto RS sketch

RS Chimney Fan sketch, enervex schematic, exhausto schematic, exhausto RS sketch

 1 Junction Box
 3 Motor
Motor Housing
Cooling Plates
 6 Bird Screen
 7 Base Plate
 8 Locking Nut
 9 Inlet
10 Axial Vane
 11 Hinges
 ( inside J-box )


 Wiring Diagram

Call 1 800 685 8263 or e-mail us with your specs.

  We will be happy to help you choose the correct size chimney fan for your application.

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